Why is my dog so itchy?

Why is my dog so itchy?

Itching (or pruritis, the medical term) is an extremely common condition for both dogs and cats. I’ll
stick to dogs for this discussion, and perhaps delve into feline pruritic conditions in the future. This
will be an overview, and we can delve more deeply into specific issues in the future. There are a
variety of causes for “itchiness” but here are some general categories:

  • atopy, or pruritis due to environmental allergens that is lifelong
  • flea allergies, due to a reaction to flea saliva from bites
  • food allergies, mainly to proteins in food
  • contact hypersensitivity (exposure to chemicals, or other immediately irritating
  • other parasites (mange mites, lice, etc.)

I’ll avoid slogging through the details of type I-IV hypersensitivity reactions and just leave it at these
basic groups. Some of these conditions are of course more difficult to diagnose and treat than others.
The allergic issues involve a kind of overreaction of the immune system to common and not so
common allergens, ranging from pollen, grasses, and trees to things that are ubiquitous like dust mites.
Some are seasonal and some are year-round.

We have some topical shampoos, mouses and sprays that are useful for almost all of the conditions, as
well as treatments that aim to blunt the immune response to allergens. Some treatments interrupt
certain pathways causing itchiness. And of course a good flea control solves that pest problem. The
bottom line is give your veterinarian a call if you see your dog chewing at his skin or scratching
excessively, and we should be able to help.
Stay tuned for further information on specific causes of itching!

Dr Stortz